Nevada Zip Codes by Population (2025)

by Kristen Carney Kristen Carney

Updated: December 17, 2024

The most populous zip codes in Nevada are 89031 with 75,097, 89108 at 74,566, 89110 with 67,259, 89121 at 67,090, and 89115 with 66,773. You can get the most current Census population data for all 174 Nevada zip codes, sorted from the most populous zip codes in Nevada to the least, according to the 2023 American Community Survey.

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Rank Zip Code Population
1 89031 75,097
2 89108 74,566
3 89110 67,259
4 89121 67,090
5 89115 66,773
6 89148 64,013
7 89052 59,542
8 89123 57,693
9 89147 56,108
10 89117 55,832
11 89129 54,575
12 89122 53,075
13 89030 52,545
14 89074 51,843
15 89119 50,585
16 89131 50,578
17 89103 49,546
18 89436 48,221
19 89032 48,055
20 89502 45,708
21 89506 45,349
22 89149 45,009
23 89139 44,501
24 89101 44,199
25 89015 43,762
26 89178 43,155
27 89014 42,138
28 89183 42,050
29 89141 41,181
30 89081 41,055
31 89431 40,772
32 89521 40,537
33 89104 39,883
34 89128 39,397
35 89012 38,081
36 89102 37,540
37 89113 37,313
38 89002 37,238
39 89523 37,167
40 89084 37,097
41 89107 37,087
42 89011 35,910
43 89509 35,877
44 89142 35,298
45 89130 35,152
46 89135 31,432
47 89156 31,026
48 89503 30,740
49 89511 30,214
50 89166 30,206
51 89701 28,400
52 89044 28,319
53 89512 28,133
54 89434 27,798
55 89145 26,675
56 89106 26,440
57 89801 26,070
58 89406 25,536
59 89048 25,473
60 89408 24,025
61 89120 23,797
62 89138 23,650
63 89134 23,503
64 89433 23,385
65 89118 23,299
66 89169 21,203
67 89146 20,727
68 89706 20,724
69 89144 19,949
70 89027 18,398
71 89403 17,391
72 89445 17,188
73 89815 15,707
74 89005 14,925
75 89508 14,595
76 89460 14,389
77 89441 13,854
78 89143 13,456
79 89060 12,783
80 89179 11,971
81 89410 10,970
82 89703 10,939
83 89423 10,828
84 89451 9,165
85 89029 8,954
86 89519 8,718
87 89086 8,714
88 89447 8,410
89 89429 7,949
90 89061 7,835
91 89109 6,924
92 89301 6,795
93 89820 5,579
94 89070 5,148
95 89705 5,100
96 89419 5,043
97 89704 4,843
98 89883 4,649
99 89085 4,618
100 89040 3,842
101 89501 3,641
102 89415 3,357
103 89444 3,198
104 89021 3,079
105 89034 2,916
106 89449 2,785
107 89049 2,711
108 89019 2,355
109 TIE 89439 2,071
109 TIE 89822 2,071
111 89448 1,961
112 89020 1,854
113 89045 1,851
114 89510 1,570
115 89835 1,481
116 89825 1,429
117 89042 1,334
118 89043 1,272
119 89411 1,264
120 89007 1,119
121 89025 1,060
122 89001 1,045
123 89318 1,043
124 89832 1,006
125 89427 976
126 89316 951
127 89440 828
128 89442 827
129 89008 792
130 89018 753
131 89413 734
132 89124 711
133 89557 707
134 89821 699
135 89003 637
136 89823 596
137 89158 593
138 89191 486
139 89046 383
140 89425 372
141 89317 370
142 89424 368
143 89054 367
144 89010 355
145 89039 326
146 89828 321
147 89833 317
148 89161 312
149 89004 270
150 89319 266
151 89013 234
152 89414 228
153 89426 227
154 89047 226
155 89311 174
156 89310 173
157 89418 168
158 89409 158
159 89402 135
160 89315 133
161 89314 132
162 89422 129
163 89428 124
164 89830 114
165 89412 100
166 89420 95
167 89446 93
168 89834 91
169 89430 84
170 89496 78
171 89026 56
172 TIE 89404 26
172 TIE 89831 26
174 89017 9
  • United States Census Bureau. B01001 SEX BY AGE, 2023 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey Office. Web. 12 December 2024.

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